New Year Promises

New years resolutions are little promises we make to ourselves to improve something - our family, our homes, our lives, in some way. Some we take more seriously than others. Some we are more committed to than others. But with each new year, we have the blessed opportunity to start fresh, with a clean slate if we so choose. What a true gift that is!

For me, some promises resurface year after getting organized (again), or eating healthier (how much salad can a person consume without an eventual rebellion?). But the one that I take more seriously than all of the others is my promise to create, recreate or maintain my sanctuary.
We all need an escape from the imbalances in life - too many deadlines...too little time, too much chaos... too little patience....When I surround myself with beautiful things that bring me pleasure and make me happy I can actually feel the transfusion of inner peace and a calmer spirit. This is crucial to my being able to tackle those deadlines and calm the chaos of my everyday life.
So while I continue on my never ending quest for better time management and improved organization,(and my guilt-ridden promise to eat healthier), I encourage you to surround yourself with things that make you happy, that speak to your soul and give you that inner calm that you need to face each new day, each new year.
Thank you for your continued encouragement and support. I am looking forward to sharing more ways, products, and ideas this year to help you live and lead a beautiful and more peaceful life.
Gorgeous Photo courtest of:
Imagenes -Pinterest
(My apologies to the photographer as I do not know who actually took this photo. I will happily give credit, please contact me.)


Stella said...

This picture is fabulous!

Jennifer said...

I love the throw!