After much fret, worry and yes, I admit, complaining......I came across an absolute angel who has offered to help me with getting this site up and running. She heard my lament and came to my rescue and I will be forever indebted to her! She is Erica of Meadowstreet. She designs and manufactures the ultra fabulous silk and ribbon roses that you will soon find at A Vintage White.

She also designs the most wonderful jewlery. We are in collaboration in co-designing a line for us exclusively! I am thrilled at the prospect of working with such an angel and so grateful for her help. Please check out her wonderful website at Meadowstreet. Here is just a sampling of her lovlies!
1 comment
Thank you so much for introducing everyone to Meadowstreet. I found the perfect gift for a very dear friend on her website. Can't wait till you are up and running--Lots of luck!!!!
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