Yes, it is just about that time of year, when the snow flies (and lays) and the temperatures drop to bone-chilling degrees when I set my sites on Spring and all the happy things it brings. One of my favorite things to do is look, via the internet, for new varieties to add to my sweet little rose garden. It is nothing grandeous by any means, but it does bring me such great pleasure. This year I am thinking of adding more creams, whites and delicate pastels with just a hint of color.
This gorgeous rose is by Jackson and Perkins and is called Windermere. I love it's lush round shape and divine color.
What is not to love about this full blown beauty also by Jackson and Perkins named John Paul II ? This rose has such presence that I can see it making a gorgeous display just floating a single bloom in a low dish. I am definitely adding him to my list.
This particular rose just blew me away. It is called Honey Dijon and is by Weeks Roses. The petals appear as though they have a velvety texture because of the variance in colors.
Moondance by Jackson and Perkins is beauty - pure and simple. Soft creamy color, delicate scent, just blissful.
And whose garden could not use a little intrigue with the show stopping beauty of the Marilyn Monroe rose from Weeks? This rose demurely adds soft tones to your garden.

Another variety from Weeks that suggests soft color is Sunset Celebration. A soft creamy base blushes with sublte tones of peachy pink. (the perfect combination).
What do you have planned for your garden this spring? Will you add only roses, or other floral varieties? Will you use vivid color or choose more soft pastel shades? I would love to hear what your garden will look like this coming spring.
Oh, I love that honey dijon!!
Too beautiful.
Never tire of white. My yard is so shady I like to use a lot of white.
In the back where we have more sun I've been addicted to coral the last few years.Probably do the same this year.
Thanks for sharing those beautiful roses!!!
Je vous remercie pour votre lien vers Un Cœur en Provence, j'en suis très flattée.
Je me suis permise de vous citer dans ma rubrique "Mes lectrices".
De plus, vous me donnez l'occasion de découvrir votre blog qui est superbe.
Merci pour votre partage !
These are just gorgeous. I'm ready for spring and all the beauty that comes with it.
Such beauties! 'Eden' with it's pink cabbage rose appeal is one of my favorite roses.
Lovely roses!
Many beautiful pictures here!
Thank´s for the inspiration!
Have a nice day!
I love the beautiful roses. Thank you for the inspiration. I can't wait for spring and all the gardening.
I LOVE the windermere does marginally well where I live in the high cold desert which is actually horrible for roses.....I struggle and rail against nature and if I get a few of those blooms it is all worth it!!!!
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